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the Sleep Shop Sparks
Harvest Green PillowTop Near Me - Sparks, Reno, Truckee Meadows

The cleanest sleep in town starts here!!!

We Believe in Substance over Style

Memory Foam Mattress near Me - Sparks, Reno, Truckee Meadows the Sleep Shop

New address:  300 Pyramid Way, Sparks 

parking behind store - access from C St   behind Pyramid Discount Liquor

Monday thru Saturday 11 - 5pm   775 284 0399

 Plant-based Foam| An Economical Tempur-Pedic Alternative

         with non-toxic flame retardant

Wool Mattress Topper Near ME - Sparks, Reno, Truckee Meadows the Sleep Shop
Synchrony Finance at the Sleep Shop
Murphy Beds stylish and space-saving. the Sleep Shop

our carefully selected brands

The sleep shop and Karen, the owner, are simply incredible. a great variety of products and very knowledgeable staff. We came in town late just before closing and had had trouble getting a mattress. Understanding the situation, with our two children in tow, Karen got us a great mattress, at a great price, and THEN loaded the new mattress in her own truck and delivered it to our new house which got her home well after her closing time. You won't get that kind of service or understanding at the big box store.

These guys are the real deal.   Brian G.   



So glad we went into the Sleep Shop! We had been looking for a new mattress for awhile. The best customer service...Karen and Bill. We purchased a bed frame, mattress, mattress pad cover and sheets. The first morning waking up on my new bed, I thought where am I ? I must be on vacation. It felt so good. It was so good we went back and purchased another mattress. Great health conscious mattresses for a decent price. An informative and enjoyable experience. Love this place.   

Jino K.  


This is the only option for non-toxic beds in Northern Nevada. Karen is incredibly helpful and cares about making sure your bed is perfect for you. Don't be like us and buy an expensive name brand before researching what's in it, only to get rid of it a few years later due to known toxicity. The beds sold here are organic, plant-based, non-toxic, and built to last. You spend 8 hours a day in bed, so make sure you're not breathing in VOCs, phlalates, and formaldehyde from your mattress.


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We've known Tony and Jose for 16 years... they provide service that you can trust.

Integrity ~ Dependability ~ Skill

Always Competitive Pricing

Contact Now and Get a Fresh Start

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A and M  Delivery the Sleep Shop

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